Devon wild pedagogies gathering
The purpose of the Wild Pedaogogies Devon gathering was to come together as a small group of practitioners and researchers, to connect, celebrate our work, share space and time, and explore questions such as –
‘How do we deepen our relationship with place, land and culture in our education work, while contributing to the renewal of sustainable citizenship and a societal shift in light of the environmental/social justice crises we now face’?
The invitation was sent to fifteen educators (from within schools, as well Higher Education and independent practitioners) who had previously expressed interest in exploring these themes. We specifically wanted to purposefully consider how this type of gathering might work, and if this could be something which was beneficial to a wider audience of educators.
Crucially, we felt, the invitation included an emphasis on self-care, and deliberately not burdening ourselves with a focus on outputs and outcomes:
“While we hope to delve deeply into discussion and our ideas, we would also wish for the gathering to be restorative and nurturing for participants – offering much needed time to be in nature and reconnect with purpose”.
We intend to offer more such opportunities for educators when we are able.